Saturday, 15 February 2014

Sat 15 Feb - Swords into Ploughshares

Rob Edwards and guest archivist Carys Lewis discuss The Swords into Ploughshares Project at the archive of the London School of Economics. Its current project is to catalogue papers from the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) and the Fellowship of Reconciliation, London Union. . Plus two pieces of original sound art made specially for the show. One is based on the women’s peace organisation holdings at the archive and is a remote collaboration between Jude Cowan Montague and Steve Layton, an American composer. The other is a response to the recent floods in the UK and was recorded by Matt Armstrong and Jude Cowan Montague in their home studio in South East London.

The following extract is from the Swords into Ploughshares blog by Carys Lewis.

WILPF was formed in 1915 when over a 1000 women representing European and North American countries met in The Hague to protest against the war raging across Europe. Today WILPF has active members across the world who share a vision for peace by non-violent means and promote justice for all.
Delegates of the first WILPF meeting in The Hague, 1915
Delegates of the first WILPF meeting in The Hague, 1915
LSE Library received the first deposit of WILPF papers in 1973 and the organisation has continued to add to the records, the most recent deposit being made in 2012. In 2009 WILPF material which had been deposited at The Women’s Library was transferred to LSE re-uniting the archive.

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