Philippe Parreno speaks about his generative exhibition 'Voices' which opens this weekend at the Haus de Kunst in Munich, Bavaria. Jude Montague visited the show to report for Artlyst Magazine.

THE NEWS AGENTS ..... Jude Montague's creative news-arts show Saturday 3pm-4pm Resonance 104.4FM ...... EXPERIMENT AND JOURNEY 'On a rainy Saturday in cold old February it was a delight to be chatting about music and arty things and having a bit of a sing with Jude Montague' JUDY DYBLE She creates poetry which finds the humanity amid the horror of our times.' BILL NEELY 'Jude Montague has gone where I've never seen a jobbing journalist tread before.' JON SNOW
Saturday, 14 December 2024
Sat 14 Dec - Wormhole World 2024 Roundup
Wormhole World looks back on what has been a prolific year for the experimental Lancashire-based label. Tracks from artists published in 2024 - Mai, Moray Newlands, Avi C. Engel, Obeah, Floormat Doormat, Wonderful Beasts and Audio Obscura.
Sast 3 December - Kelsey Michael and the Cornish Music Scene
Kelsey Michael presents songs from her new album 'Lethowsow' (Dimple Discs, 2024) and introduces work new artists from the Cornish music scene, Minko and Buhrlap.
The News Agents - 3 December 2024 (Kelsey Michael) by Resonance FM | Mixcloud
Sat 30 November - Artist Life Playlist
Playlist reflecting the artist's life in November 2024. Tracks from Shoreline Dreamers, Gardyloo Spew, Crumpsall Riddle, Sonny Boy Williamson, Prāta Vētra, Amy Rigby and a demo of a song from the developing musical about the life of John Logie Baird, inventor of television.
The News Agents - 30 November 2024 (Variety Show) by Resonance FM | Mixcloud