Friday, 28 June 2024

Sat 29 June - Flamenco 1960s and 1970s

Flamenco throwback to the 1960s and 1970s, the hybrid flamenco-pop sounds of Levanta and Dalida and classic vintage performances from the legendary CamarĂ³n de la Isla - forms including tangos and algerias and the popular rumba flamenco which went international with the Catalan Los Reys also known as Gipsy Kings.

Friday, 21 June 2024

Sat 22 June - Graham 'Dids' Dowdall - a tribute and elegy to the composer-musician aka GAGARIN

 Graham 'Dids' Dowdall died this week.  A tribute to the musician, composer, educator, experimentalist. His solo project GAGARIN expressed his retro-futurist consciousness. He worked with famous names Nico and Pere Ubu but was a great egalitarian. As well as being a phenomenal sound-artist with his solo work he was a valued band member, playing excellently on other's projects and appreciated for his generosity. Playing tracks from his duo with Roshi Nasehi and a live session from Scaledown recorded by Mal Robinson and other pieces and featuring extracts from an interview with Joe Mugford.

Saturday, 15 June 2024

Sat 15 June - Manchester new music scene

New music scene in Manchester promoted via Low Four Studios. Live tracks from the Old Granada TV studios and studio releases from Jane Weaver and Nightbus. A new generation inspired by Joy Division, New Order and the Manchester experimental scene of the late 70s and 80s.