Friday, 26 January 2024

Sat 27 January - Neil Kulkarni - music writer - obit show 1 of 2

 Neil Kulkarni the esteemed and loved music writer known for speaking his mind and more, a poet of his time, music-maker and creative force, Melody Maker journalist, specialist and lover of hiphop promoter of black and Asian and Coventry voices on the music scene, funny guy, crisp-afficianado and connoisseur of street culture tragically died this week at 51. Remembering him with words from his own articles and tracks from music he liked, hated and made. First of two shows.

Sat 20 Feb - Fundraiser for Palestine on Bandcamp by Red Tent

Fundraiser for Palestine is a project put together by an informal collective of artists brought together by Leoncia Flynn. Contributing artists include Pandoras Diary and Carmel Morrissey. Many prayers for peace and poems read about Gaza, particularly thinking about the attacks on the city of Khan Younis which is currently under bombardment by Israeli forces. A focus on journalists who have been killed in the conflict and remembering Fadel Shana'a who died covering military operations and life in Gaza in 2008.

Monday, 1 January 2024

Sat 6 Jan - Elizabeth Parker, composer for radio and television from the BBC Radiophonic Workshop

 Elizabeth Parker, composer of electronic music for radio and television in conversation. She looks back at her career including her time at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop and on creating sound effects for nature documentaries and the classic sci-fi show Blake's 7. Her retrospective album 'Future Perfect' is out on Trunk Records.