Thursday, 22 June 2023

Sat 24 June - A Mix of Cello Music

On acquiring a second-hand cello Jude is reconnecting with her grandfather's instrument as a player. He played cello in the Hallé Orchestra for 44 years. A mix of cello music selected from different sources selected to mark this departure and begin a new musical adventure revisiting sounds of her childhood as the granddaughter of a virtuoso cellist. |"He would disappear into the shady front room where his memories were kept and these dark emotional tones would waft through to the parlour where I would be drawing."

Sat 17 June - Cornelius Cardew with Carolyn Rogers

Carolyn Rogers, a member of the Scratch Orchestra looks back on working with Cornelius Cardew and those heady times of experimentation. With memories from their performance at the infamous Munich Olympics in 1972 where although orchestra left before the terrorist attack was implemented the story followed them to their opera appearances in Austria. With extracts from 'The Great Learning' and more.

Sat 10 June - Latvian Country Dance

Latvian country dance with Raimonds Dale of Dudalnieki, the Latvian folk group group based in West Yorkshire. With music from lively dances like pankukas (pancakes) and famous polkas like Oira Oira. If you are interested in finding out more about Latvian country dance, visit .

Sat 3 June - Serbian folk and gypsy music

A trip around Serbian folk music and Serbian gypsy music. Featuring instruments such as tamburica and frula, vocalists Predrag Gojković Cune, Lepa Lukić and Lukić's friend the Bosnian singer Silvana Armenulić.