Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Sat 27 May - Reconstructing Music of Ancient Greece

Reconstructing ancient Greek music. Looking at the current practitioners working to remake and to play ancient music, academics looking at the sources and the solutions that have been drawn for them. This exercise intersects with fantasy music making and composition for epics of cinema and TV such at 'Game of Thrones'. Instruments featured include the aulos and the kithara.

Sat 20 May - Saidi Baladi Dance

Saidi belly dance dates back to ancient Egypt, a folkoric dance from the Uplands. Looking at this performance and its music and other arts stemming from this investigation, stimulated by the ‘A Curious Agenda’ Dream festival which takes place in Hastings in early June. With Yemeni tracks too from Tel Aviv based El Khat and earlier popular 45s from Yemen now being distributed by the Dust-to-Digital label.

Sat 13 May - St Andrews Mews & Horror Cinema Tracks

 During an arts project at St Andrews Mews, Hastings we witnessed the rediscovery of a boarded area that has not been touched for over one hundred years. This evocative and creepy-feeling space has prompted thoughts of Edwardian horror stories containing warnings not to disturb the devil. This has prompted a show of samples of horror soundtracks, classic and not so classic and reflections on composing for this area of cinema . With recommendations from Resonance FM listeners and social media friends. 

The News Agents - 13 May 2023 (Horror Movie Scores and Rediscovery of Abandoned Buildings ) by Resonance FM | Mixcloud

Thursday, 4 May 2023

Sat 6 May - Keith Rodway and Necessary Animals

 Conversation Hastings continues with musician, author and film-maker Keith Rodway about the ongoing mixed-media project Necessary Animals with Amanda Louise Thompson and his life in music and other arts, focusing on post-punk and art-rock. Tracks featuring Lucy Brennan, Paul Huebner, Liane Carroll, Mick Hutchinson and Derek Lee Ragin plus some live coded Morris beats from the ongoing creative technology experiments at the Montague Armstrong workshop. For more information see