Thursday, 30 March 2023

Sat 1 April - Irish and Scottish Slow Airs

A wandering through Irish and Scottish airs, exploring the music and art of the Celtic lament, dirge and keen. 

Sunday, 19 March 2023

Sat 18 Mar - Cairo Cosmopolitan City

Cairo nightlife in the 1920s and 1930s, an essay on the city and looking at women who flourished there (briefly), and this disappeared era. With orientalist soundtrack from the period and extracts from a conversation with Stephanie Mireille Halser whose family and father lived in the city during these cosmopolitan years.

Saturday, 11 March 2023

Sat 11 Mar - Dennis Potter, 1920s & 1930s music, Pennies from Heaven

Dennis Potter, TV playwright and his three series 'Pennies from Heaven', 'The Singing Detective' and 'Lipstick on Your Collar'. Looking at the first of these series, 'Pennies from Heaven' and reflecting on the use of popular music to create a fantasy life juxtaposing with and interweaving with the gritty realistic drama.

Sat 4 Mar - Morris (Rheda's Dream)

having newly joined a Morris side, Rheda's Dream in St Leonards on Sea, to play fiddle and dance and having a plan to bring together live coding and Morris for a presentation at the International Conference of Live Coding, Jude explores some of the tunes and history of Morris dance in England.