Friday, 29 July 2022

Sat 30 July - 'On the Fly' - live coding in Barcelona - finale of Creative Europe co-funded project

A trip to Barcelona for the final week of the ‘On the Fly’ creative coding, live coding project co-funded by Creative Europe. Sessions at the Hangar centre for art research and production and audio coding contributions from Patrick Borgeat, Flor de Fuego and Luka Prinčič. Thank you to Iván Paz and Lina Bautista, Ludovica Michelin and all those of On the fly.

Sat 23 July - Songs of War - Ukraine & Russia - Andrei Rogatchevski - part 2 of 2

 Professor of Russian Literature and Culture at UiT - the Arctic University of Norway looks at the war in music by analyzing the popularity current songs via their presence on the Youtube platform, discussing what the music and lyrics show about attitudes and political and national identity. This is a follow up show to a News Agents broadcast on the escalating tension and opposed beliefs before the beginning of the war in 2022.

The News Agents - 23 July 2022 (Andrei Rogatchevski: Ukraine & Russia, Songs of War 2 of 2) by Resonance FM | Mixcloud

Sat 16 July - Songs of War - Ukraine & Russia - Andrei Rogatchevski - part 1 of 2

Professor of Russian Literature and Culture at UiT - the Arctic University of Norway looks at the war in music by analyzing the popularity current songs via their presence on the Youtube platform, discussing what the music and lyrics show about attitudes and political and national identity. This is a follow up show to a News Agents broadcast on the escalating tension and opposed beliefs before the beginning of the war in 2022.

Sat 9 July - 'Mothers Ruin' playlist

‘Mothers Ruin’ playlist – ‘Mothers Ruin’ the exhibition is curated by Julia Maddison and Rebekah Dean at the House Mill in Bromley-by-Bow. Music from Kath Tait, Eileen Gogan, Montague Armstrong as well as folk-country choices and songs in English, Irish, Old Norse and Latvian.

The News Agents - 9 July 2022 (Mothers Ruin Playlist) by Resonance FM | Mixcloud

Friday, 1 July 2022

Sat 2 July - Ross Clifford & Column 258 - collective music making

Collaborative composition and performance art in sound. Ross Clifford from Column 258 and the Sumerian Kyngs talks about process in both bands discussing performance art and theatrical influences in soundmaking. He is curating a new series of happenings ‘Off the Radar’ at The Beacon venue in Hastings. Plus new tracks from Column 258.