Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Sat 25 June - Baltic Sea & Hastings Sea Creatures

Tales and songs of the Baltic sea and sailing. With folk songs chosen for performance by Dūdalnieki. Plus a report from Hastings / St Leonards on Sea in the squeeze on independent shopkeepers and artists as the latest ‘Mind Your Head’ arts cabaret takes place this weekend in Zusushii Art Laboratory, due to close up operations in their current seafront location.

Sat 18 June - Nick Weekes & Speculative Soundscapes

Nick Weekes (Warrior Square/Column 258) talks about his practice and influences. Exploring his life in audio and adventures in natural sonics, resonating feedback and speculative soundscape.

Sat 11 June - Raimonds Dale on Līgosvētki

The Latvian midsummer festival of Jāņi and the evening before, Līgosvētki or Līgovakars. The midsummer festival was a feature of pagan Europe relating to renewal and fertility but Latvia has made the festival very much their own. Singing the Dainas (Lat­vian folk songs) is a part of this. Raimonds Dale from the band Dūdalnieki discusses the traditions, interpretations and practices.

Sat 4 June - Charlie Holt and the Shed Gallery

Charlie Holt discusses collages, collaborations and his own surrealist approach to exhibitions and art projects. In 2022 he set up The Shed Gallery, a humble informal zone using Facebook and a small physical space to show the work of fellow artists with whom he has built up a significant relationship, beginning with John Stephens and Kavitha Balakrishnan.