Thursday, 3 February 2022

Sat 5 Feb - Lap Steel, Country Music and Live Coding

History of lap steel and country music plus live coding experiments from the TOPLAP community in Barcelona.

Sat 29 Jan - Nadia al Faghih Hasan & Tidal Cycles

Nadia al Faghih Hasan on drumming circles, African music in London and her band and collaborative projects including Kan Beng. Also more international live coding music created using Tidal Cycles.

Sat 22 Jan - Indonesian Pop Nostalgia and Tidal Cycles

Nostalgic Indonesian music looking at the 1960s and 1970s, folk country and romantic songs. Plus, in advance of a special residency with Creative Coding Utrecht and iii (Den Haag) exploring coding in Tidal Cycles, unpicking a couple of basic functions and theory and featuring extracts of live coded music.