Thursday, 29 April 2021

Sat 1 May - Alex Paxton - Music for Bosch People

Alex Paxton talks about his new album on NMC, Music for Bosch People. He shares thoughts on the technology and ideas that contribute to his unique composing process and tracks from the album including 'Prayer like Strings and Joan Rivers' Also Montague and Tweed launch their new podcast series on Victorian entertainment and nineteenth century performance via their twitter feed @PlaybillMT. 

 Listen Again - Sat 1 May - Alex Paxton - Music for Bosch People

Thursday, 22 April 2021

Sat 24 April - Helen Reddington - She's at the Controls - Women in Music Production (Pop industry)

Dr Helen Reddington (aka Helen McCookerybook) discusses her newly published research on women sound engineers and producers, 'She's at the Controls'. Her book is a socio-historic exploration of gender and audio production in the pop music industry with multiple interviews with women audio specialists who report back from their careers and lives in music production.

Listen Again - Dr Helen Reddington - She's at the Controls

Sat 17 April - Stefan Applis - Doing Georgraphy - Svaneti

Stefan Applis discusses possibilities for sustainable tourism in Svaneti, Georgia, his travelogue in development. We discuss ambitions for his own exceptional feed on geographical photography. Discussion on spaces and practices and geographic questions of South Caucasus, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Plus music from Lakhusdi 'The Singing Village' in Georgia, a ground-breaking cultural tourism initiative.

Listen Again - Stefan Applis - Doing Geography - Svaneti - 17 April 2021

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Sat 10 April - April 2021 Poem a Day - Simon Williams

Simon Williams discusses the very popular and long running poetry forum currently titled April 2021 Poem a Day. Thoughts on this community of first drafts to encourage productivity in practising poets. With poems and audio extracts.


Listen Again - Simon Williams - April Poem a Day  

Sat 27 March - Richard Hughes - The Geological Society

Richard Hughes, Executive Secretary from the Geological Society on the importance and wide history of the institutions at a critical point in its lifespan. Find out about upcoming exhibition on the geology of Mars and support the campaign for the Geological Society to remain at Burlington House in Piccadilly, keep the UK national society for geoscience visible, in its historical home and in the heart of the London together with the Linnean Society and the Society of Antiquaries. For more information see