Saturday, 20 March 2021

Sat 20 March - VERSUS - Bettina Schroeder and Wormhole World


Poetry and music don't always come together but when they do interesting hybrid forms emerge. Looking at 'VERSUS' by Bettina Schroeder vs JCM out on Wormhole World, a 'weird Lancashire' label - the album is also a video project with contributions from filmmakers including Anne Savitie, Andrew Stys (UU) Mark Rathmell and Suzie Hanna. Thoughts on making this album and other interesting pop hybrids including 'Plague Songs' by Martin Rowson, Jon Tregenna and guest artist-performers.


Thursday, 11 March 2021

Sat 13 March 2021 - Colonial Countryside - Prof Corinne Fowler

 Colonial Countryside. Professor Corinne Fowler in conversation on colonial connections in the country house, child-led creative projects on British history and empire and new writing on rurality. Chasing tales of rurality, slavery and material culture. Her book 'Green Unpleasant Land' is out on Peepal Tree Press.


The News Agents - Sat 13 March - Corinne Fowler, Colonial Countryside 

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Sat 6 March - London Animation Club - Perils of Perestroika

London Animation Club and Perestroika film. Talking to Martin Pickles from the LAC about the club and its events. With extracts from recent special show The Perils of Perestroika (1) with Soviet Child (aka Riitta Hakkarainen and Jude Cowan Montague) presenting animated films from the Soviet Union in the 1990s including work by Ivan Maximov and Igor Kovalyov.


Listen Again - Sat 6 March - London Animation Club, Martin Pickles 

Sat 27 Feb - Heather Tweed - Victorian performance

Animal rights, stage and trans-theatre. Heather Tweed on lost characters of Victorian performance. Tales of the difficulties behind the brilliant bright acts that thrilled nineteenth-century audiences. Meet the bird-lady who directed scenes with her avian actors and who travelled the world with her feathered menagerie and many more poignant characters, researched through archives of the stage with enthusiasm and expertise.


Listen Again - Heather Tweed - Victorian performance - 27 February 2021