Sunday, 21 February 2021

Sat 20 February 2021 - Pollock's Toy Theatre - Jack Forgery Latham

Pollock's Toy Museum, one of London's interesting independent museums. Jack Fawdry Latham talks about what makes the Victorian collection and toy shop so unique and valuable as part of the heritage of the capital for children and adults now and in the future. An introduction to the practice and culture of toy theatre and an insight into the lasting enthusiasm for Victorian entrepreneurship and play. 

Listen Again - Pollock's Toy Theatre - Sat 20 February 2021 

Sunday, 14 February 2021

Sat 13 Feb 2021 - Arfoud Brothers - Morocco, Sahrawi Music - 1/North Africa Series

The first in an occasional series on Moroccan art for 2021. Abdelillah Ouahbi from the Arfoud Brothers talks about his music and his oasis town in the beautiful Sahara desert, Erfoud. His fusion sounds produced with his brothers and sisters draw on his hometown, stories from the past, the everyday and the natural world - water, sky, the desert and the slippery fierce rhythms of Sahrawi music. With musical tracks celebrating our lives together and apart before and during the pandemic.

Listen Again - Sat 13 Feb 2021 - Arfoud Brothers; Morocco - The News Agents, Resonance FM

Sat 6 Feb 2021, Julian Hoffman, Irreplaceable, the Fight to Save our Wild Places

 Irreplaceable, the Fight to Save our Wild Places is Julian Hoffman's new book. He talks about the urgent resistance to loss and the local yet international struggle to save and value nature in our lives. From a small wood north of Sheffield to a small fishing island in Indonesia he brings us voices of hope and dissent that appreciate and wish to preserve the small enormous diversity of our planet for our wildlife and for ourselves. 


Listen Again - Sat 6 Feb 2021 - Julian Hoffman, Irreplaceable - The News Agents on Resonance FM