Saturday, 30 January 2021

Sat 30 Jan 2020 - Bulgarian Folk Story with Moni Sheehan

Bulgarian folklore and history with storyteller Moni Sheehan who has spent her life translating and interpreting the stories of her native Bulgarian culture for British audiences. With musician Ivor Davies she presents mythological story from Bulgaria with their performing arts group, A Spell in Time.  

Sat 30 January 2021 - Bulgarian Folk Story with Moni Sheehan

Monday, 25 January 2021

Sat 23 Jan 2021- Egyptian Magick - Mogg Morgan


Egyptian Magick. Mogg Morgan on the magical everyday life of ancient Egypt, the family of gods, the spells, festivities, rituals and prayers of the far past in North Africa. Speculating on how a revival of interest in ancient belief has continued, how it might be relevant to human psychology today and how it might play a part in new narratives of decolonisation. Plus the aesthetic of Egyptian sound and desertlore in terms of the ancient traditions.

Sat 23 Jan 2021- The News Agents - Egyptian Magick and Mogg Morgan

Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Sat 16 Jan 2021 - Putri Prihatini - folklore Thursday & Tolkien

Putri Prihatini in discussion about folklore, Twitter and Tolkien. How Folklore Thursday on Twitter and Lord of the Rings inspired her to dig deeper into Indonesian folktale and mythology. Putri's family are from East Java but she lives in Borneo. Her twitter tag is @blogtolkien. This is the first in a occasional series working with international thinkers, artists and activists met during lockdown and Covid restrictions on social media. Plus Minangkabau songs and Indonesian music.  

Listen Again - Sat 16 Jan 2021 - The News Agents - Putri Prihatini - Indonesian Folklore