Sunday, 9 February 2020

Sat 15 Feb - SUMI PERERA - Printmaking and Contemporary Culture

Sumi Perera RE, acclaimed international artist, on the intellectual imagination, how this can be expressed in printmaking and related arts. Perera discusses some of the methods of traditional and contemporary printmaking and how its intriguing processes can be used to make important commentary on society and about the materials we use to construct our environment. With unusual selections of rock music from the Simon King Collection.

Sunday, 2 February 2020

Sat 8 Feb - CHRIS ROBERTS author & Simon King Collection - African, Soul & Black Musics

Peeling through Simon King's record collection to uncover some of the African, soul and perhaps less-expected black musics that were stored in his garage or which may have made it onto the turntable for radio or gig. A voyage of discovery in vinyl. Plus Chris Roberts, author, on grief counselling and his new book, 'Bus Journeys in South London'.

Listen Again - Simon King Collection soul music - Chris Roberts author grief counselling - Sat 8 Feb