Saturday, 29 June 2019

Sat 6 July - SONGS OF SWEDEN - Kulning, skyllingtryck and Birger Sjöberg

Songs of Sweden. Kulning or herding calls, nyckelharpa, schlager, the murder and crime ballads of the early 20th century and the faux-naive poetry-song of writer Birger Sjöberg, tremendously popular in his lifetime but who left no recordings.

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Sat 29 June - WALLIS EATES - Graphic novels, brain injury and Dementia

The graphic novelist discusses her work around dementia and brain injury. 'Like an Orange' is being developed with publishers Unbound. Wallis: 'In 2016, I was a very lucky artist. I got to spend six weeks with the East London branch of Headway, a charity that helps brain injury survivors to rehabilitate. The East London branch do this by providing an art studio called ‘Submit to Love’ where those who have sustained a brain injury can develop an art practice. ‘Like an Orange’ is about the people I met at the studio.' Wallis is a co-ordinator for the comic-makers group, Laydeez Do Comics.

Listen Again - Wallis Eates - Drawing, Memory, Mind - Sat 29 June

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Sat 22 June - Gnawa music, trance and the maalem - SIMO LAGNAWI

Simo Lagnawi, Songline multiple award-winning Moroccan gnawa musician talks about the ritual and the presence of trance music and the guembri and krakebs. Berber and deep gnawa, ancient African Islamic spiritual religious song and rhythm, its influences and practice and the communal night of celebration dedicated to prayer and healing with the Gnawa maalem at the heart of the experience.

Listen Again - Simo Lagnawi - Gnawa Music - Sat 22 June 2019 

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Sat 15 June - London Composers Platform - Recent Premieres

Bertie Douglas presents compositions created for collaborative events and recorded as works-in-progress and premieres. London-based composers from all-musical backgrounds have selected work performed by interesting performance groups, following brief open calls curated by the group. Their most recent composer call was for the East London Sound Ensemble who use traditional Turkish instruments with live electronics.

Rescheduled due to sickness.

Saturday, 8 June 2019

Sat 8 June - Tales from the SHOREDITCH TRIANGLE, 1990s

Tales from the Shoreditch Triangle in the 1990s. Special guests including artists Cate Halpin, Doug Haywood and P J Crittenden share highlights and lowlights from the decade of A Fete Worse than Death. Urban legends, drinking dens, the vanguard of retro, Toerag, The Bricklayers Arms, Fratshack, 1960s garage revisted, Dutronic, Brick Lane mornings and warehouse artist-studio late-night culture. An vanished era of recent memory evoked by freewheeling discussion and selected musical fragments.

Listen Again - Shoreditch Triangle 1990s - 8th June 2019

Sat 1 June - FINLANDIA: Finnish folk revival of the 1960s and beyond

Iskelmä pop. Plus a brief introduction to the work of electronic music pioneer Erkki Kurenniemi and to Estonian-born Finnish writer Hella Wuolijoki, a left-wing political intellectual with secret connections to Soviet intelligence who wrote plays with strong female characters.

Listen Again - Finlandia - Music of Finland - Sat 1 June 2019