Sunday, 19 May 2019

Sat 25 May - YUMI HARA - Lindsay Cooper Songbook

Yumi Hara, composer presents the Lindsay Cooper Songbook, a series of events with fellow musicians such as Chris Cutler and Chlöe Herington. Co-founder of the Feminist Improvising Group and a member of the groups Comus and Henry Cow, Cooper brought the bassoon and compositional techniques of 20th century art music into the world of '70s experimental rock. Hara discusses her own work and opportunities for women in art music. With live improvisation and performance.

Listen Again - Yumi Hara - the Lindsay Cooper Songbook

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Sat 18 May - Towards a feminist Judaism - SARAH LIGHTMAN

Sarah Lightman traces her journey from modern Jewish orthodoxy to a feminist Judaism as she searches between the complex layers of family and family history. Through drawing and analysis she has set out to create 'The Book of Sarah', missing from the bible, published by Myriad Editions in 2019. Jude offers reflections on inheriting her name from the literally apocryphal Book of Judith. Plus music from Jewish Manchester, London and beyond.

Listen Again - Sarah Lightman - Feminist Judaism, The Book of Sarah

Friday, 10 May 2019

Sat 11 May - TERE! Researching Estonian film and music

Researching culture of the Baltic. In advance of an an artist visit to Narva and Pispala (Tampere) in July, Jude explores music and film of Estonia and Finland with support and advice from Estonian and Finnish friends and family based in London, Talinn and Finland. This follows two shows looking at film and music in Latvia after a residency at the International Writers' and Translators' House in Ventspils.

Listen Again - Estonian music and film - Researching Baltic culture

Sat 4 May - SOUNDS OF THE SUN GODDESS - 2 of 2

Songs of the Sun goddess. A creative residency at the Writers and Translators House in Ventspils, Latvia.

Listen Again - Sounds of the Sun Goddess - Latvia (2 of 2)

Sat 27 May - SOUNDS OF THE SUN GODDESS. Lavian Folk Culture. Part 1 of 2

Songs of the Sun goddess. Reports from a creative residency at the Writers and Translators House in Ventspils, Latvia.

Listen Again - Sounds of the Sun Goddess 1 of 2 - 27 April

Sat 13 April - Sessions from the MOTTINGHAM SHED. Music, various.

Sessions from the Shed. Improvisations and speed compositions recorded in Mottingham with musicians David Zucchi, Alex Paxton, Charlotte Keeffe, Lisa McKendrick, Agathe Max, Matt Armstrong, Jude Cowan Montague, Matt Scott, Paul Brett and Simon King.

Listen Again - Sessions from the Mottingham Shed - 13 April

Sat 6 April - David Zucchi and Alex Paxton - MUSICS!

Saxophonist David Zucchi in conversation with trombonist Alex Paxton featuring good and bad dreams in music. Bird Monsters, sounds of various norths, composing for orchestra and other adventures.

Listen Again - David Zucchi & Alex Paxton - Musics