Monday, 25 March 2019

Sat 23 Mar - Laura Sampson - Noh Theatre and STORYTELLING FOR SPRING

Storyteller Laura Sampson shares her particular, experienced insight into the traditional Japanese art of Noh and related performance. She shares her experience as a young woman from London encountering and taking part in what is said to be the oldest major theatre art. Also, she looks at the current storytelling culture of London and the UK. Plus short performed stories on spring and its changeable weather together with live improvised music.

Listen Again - Laura Sampson - NOH THEATRE

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Sat 16 Mar - POPE LONERGAN on caring and comedy, artists in Mexico

Humourist Liam 'Pope' Lonergan discusses the dual roles of carer and comedian. Confession, compering and catharsis. Plus tales from Oaxaca where EMPIRE 2, a touring exhibition of artist films curated by Vanya Balogh, has been hosted at Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Oaxaca (MACO). With guests Marisa Polin and Alina Gavrielatos who will also report from their collaborative piece as part of Camaradas MX-UK showing at the Menier Gallery.

Listen Again - Marisa Polin & Alina Gavrielatos - MACO, MEXICO

Saturday, 2 March 2019

Sat 9 Mar - Hazel Manuel - NOVELISTS IN PARIS

Novelist Hazel Manuel talks about the thriving scene of English language writing groups in France and her own novels about the ethical and life issues that modern women negotiate. The subject of living and travelling abroad frames her narratives alongside the search for self and the inner journey of the introverted character. Feminism, UK-French relationships and the creative struggle to express within long-form fiction.

Listen Again - Hazel Manuel - Novels, Paris and Women Travellers 

Sat 2 Mar - Ian Williams - The Lady Doctor - GRAPHIC MEDICINE

Medicine, humour and the art of drawing stories. Ian Williams introduces his new graphic novel, 'The Lady Doctor'. explores current medical issues and ethics using his own experience as a practising GP to recreate the lives of both patients and health service practitioners.

Listen Again - Ian Williams - THE LADY DOCTOR

Sat 23 Feb - Katharine Seaton - WOMEN COMPOSERS COLLECTIVE

Personal stories in music. Composer Katharine Seaton discusses her current projects, the Women Composers Collective and scoring for film and podcast. Jude talks about her graphic novel in development about her granddad, a key musician in the earliest days of BBC radio, a cellist working for 2ZY.

Listen Again - Katharine Seaton - WOMEN COMPOSERS COLLECTIVE

Sat 16 Feb - KEVIN PLUMMER on the Simon King Collection

Kevin Plummer from The Kenny Process Team talks about playing with (and even living with) the late, great Simon King in advance of the upcoming Vacilando release. Cutting a vinyl master in Abbey Road, constructing and composing complex instrumental pop and remembering Forest Gate in the 1990s with choice gems from the Simon King record collection. Plus poems, thoughts and musical anecdotes from lives in community music.

Listen Again - Kevin Plummer - Simon King Collection