Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Sat 16 Nov - Slovenia - INA SHAI & ANA CAVIC

Love and art from Slovenia. Ina Shai (https://www.facebook.com/InaShaiMusic/), singer, performs songs with lyrics of dreaming, roaming, a call for us to hold each other. Ana Čavić (http://anacavic.blogspot.com/), writer, thinker and performance artist (Ladies of the Press), is a poet who loves to love in word and shape of word presents poems and philosophical amore. Čavić is one half of the print and performance duo Ladies of the Press.

Sat 16 Nov - Slovenia - INA SHAI & ANA CAVIC

Sat 9 Nov - IL GRUPPO - Andrea Rocca

Il Gruppo or Gruppo di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza was formed by Italian composer Franco Evangelisti in Rome in 1964. Members of the group included Ennio Morricone. Their work bled into the experimental music of Italian cinema through the Anni di Piombo or Years of Lead, a period of high political terrorism. A musical history looking at sound innovation and cinema during days of upheaval and street violence. With Andrea Rocca.

Listen Again - Il Gruppo - Andrea Rocca - Sat 9 Nov

Sat 2 Nov - ELECTRO-MAGNETIC Art on Air - Tate Modern

Electro-Magnetic: a response by Jude Cowan Montague (https://www.judecowanmontague.com/) and guest Atsuko Kamura (https://www.kamuraobscura.com/) to the recent Takis exhibition at Tate Modern. Takis sought out the essential poetry and beauty of the electromagnetic universe. Kamura and Montague share their appreciation and use of electromagnetic sounds in music making and perform a new poetry and sound composition.

Listen Again - ART ON AIR - special - Tate Modern

Sat 26 Oct - NORMAN MINE - A Neapolitan Artist in London

Norman Mine (https://www.normanmine.com/) on paranoia in fiction and reality, neorealist postwar film-making. In his own work he challenges the processes of inclusion and exclusion and shares moments of unexpected enlightenment through presenting the backstage in the foreground. For more information see thenewsagents.blogspot.co.uk.

Listen Again - Norman Mine - 26 Oct 2019

Monday, 21 October 2019

Sat 19 Oct - TARTU Estonia - Centre of Creativity

Tartu, Estonia, will be European city culture 2024. Meeting the people behind the success at Tartu Centre of Creative Industries, and appreciating Estonian radical popular music with composer Olav Ehala the composer who scored Nukitsamees (Bumpy), and Ahto Külvet of happening underworld vinyl shop Psühhoteek and vinyl dance-listening lectures, Psühhodisko.

Listen Again - Sat 19 Oct - Tartu, Estonia - Centre of Creativity

Sat 12 Oct - Rebecca Feiner, Bill Parry-Davies and Ben Wakeling - PSYCHOGEOGRAPHY and OUTSIDER ART

Guest host Rebecca Feiner talks to campaigning lawyer and jazz saxophonist Bill Parry-Davies, known for his sonic collaborations on psychogeography with Iain Sinclair. Plus Outsider Gallery director Ben Wakeling on its current exhibition of paintings from NHS Mental health, Forensics, CAMHS and HMP Institutions.

Listen Again - Sat 12 Oct - Rebecca Feiner, Bill Parry-Davies, Ben Wakeling, OUTSIDER ART and PSYCHOGEOGRAPHY

Sat 6 Oct - Film songs - RITA BRAGA

Film songs and news stories. Looking at different musical numbers on screen that have interacted with actuality stories, plus other favourite songs. Clips and live performance with Rita Braga.

Listen Again - Sat 6 Oct - RITA BRAGA - Film songs and news stories in music

Sat 28 Sept - SHANNON ELIZABETH HARDWICK - Parenting and Poetry, Texas USA and Cambridge UK

Experiments in news and arts with Jude Cowan Montague. Today: American poet Shannon Elizabeth Hardwick on the magic of parenting and poetry, body dysmorphia, optimism, recovery from trauma, her upbringing in a Texas family and her recent move to Cambridge with small children. Plus extra guest spot from musician Rita Braga

Listen Again - Sat 28 Sept - SHANNON ELIZABETH HARDWICK - Parenting and Poetry, Texas and Cambridge

Sat 21 Sept - Chris Simpson - Passaggiatina & ITALIAN FILM SCORES

Experiments in news and arts with Jude Cowan Montague. This week: Chris Simpson from the Passaggiatina residencies in Atina, Lazio discusses four years of making and curating art in the Apennines. Plus Italian film scores and composers; and selections from the Simon King Collection of vinyl. For more information see thenewsagents.blogspot.co.uk.

Listen Again - Sept 21 - Passaggiatina and Italian Film Scores

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Sat 14 Sept - PASSAGGIATINA 2019 - Lazio Art Residency Report

The annual art residency in the Apennines reports back on creativity and cultural interaction of this Summer. With Chris Simpson, Lisa McKendrick, Riitta Hakkarainen and other artists. This year the theme of the goddess Mefiti became an unofficial theme, the ancient pagan worship of the mountains of the South Italy and the vulcanesque deity of nearby Pompei. A highlight of this year was a trip to Canneto to the shrine of the Black Madonna to the source of the River Melfa, named after the forgotten goddess.

Saturday, 29 June 2019

Sat 6 July - SONGS OF SWEDEN - Kulning, skyllingtryck and Birger Sjöberg

Songs of Sweden. Kulning or herding calls, nyckelharpa, schlager, the murder and crime ballads of the early 20th century and the faux-naive poetry-song of writer Birger Sjöberg, tremendously popular in his lifetime but who left no recordings.

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Sat 29 June - WALLIS EATES - Graphic novels, brain injury and Dementia

The graphic novelist discusses her work around dementia and brain injury. 'Like an Orange' is being developed with publishers Unbound. Wallis: 'In 2016, I was a very lucky artist. I got to spend six weeks with the East London branch of Headway, a charity that helps brain injury survivors to rehabilitate. The East London branch do this by providing an art studio called ‘Submit to Love’ where those who have sustained a brain injury can develop an art practice. ‘Like an Orange’ is about the people I met at the studio.' Wallis is a co-ordinator for the comic-makers group, Laydeez Do Comics.

Listen Again - Wallis Eates - Drawing, Memory, Mind - Sat 29 June

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Sat 22 June - Gnawa music, trance and the maalem - SIMO LAGNAWI

Simo Lagnawi, Songline multiple award-winning Moroccan gnawa musician talks about the ritual and the presence of trance music and the guembri and krakebs. Berber and deep gnawa, ancient African Islamic spiritual religious song and rhythm, its influences and practice and the communal night of celebration dedicated to prayer and healing with the Gnawa maalem at the heart of the experience. https://www.facebook.com/SLAGNAWI/

Listen Again - Simo Lagnawi - Gnawa Music - Sat 22 June 2019 

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Sat 15 June - London Composers Platform - Recent Premieres

Bertie Douglas presents compositions created for collaborative events and recorded as works-in-progress and premieres. London-based composers from all-musical backgrounds have selected work performed by interesting performance groups, following brief open calls curated by the group. Their most recent composer call was for the East London Sound Ensemble who use traditional Turkish instruments with live electronics.

Rescheduled due to sickness.

Saturday, 8 June 2019

Sat 8 June - Tales from the SHOREDITCH TRIANGLE, 1990s

Tales from the Shoreditch Triangle in the 1990s. Special guests including artists Cate Halpin, Doug Haywood and P J Crittenden share highlights and lowlights from the decade of A Fete Worse than Death. Urban legends, drinking dens, the vanguard of retro, Toerag, The Bricklayers Arms, Fratshack, 1960s garage revisted, Dutronic, Brick Lane mornings and warehouse artist-studio late-night culture. An vanished era of recent memory evoked by freewheeling discussion and selected musical fragments.

Listen Again - Shoreditch Triangle 1990s - 8th June 2019

Sat 1 June - FINLANDIA: Finnish folk revival of the 1960s and beyond

Iskelmä pop. Plus a brief introduction to the work of electronic music pioneer Erkki Kurenniemi and to Estonian-born Finnish writer Hella Wuolijoki, a left-wing political intellectual with secret connections to Soviet intelligence who wrote plays with strong female characters.

Listen Again - Finlandia - Music of Finland - Sat 1 June 2019

Sunday, 19 May 2019

Sat 25 May - YUMI HARA - Lindsay Cooper Songbook

Yumi Hara, composer presents the Lindsay Cooper Songbook, a series of events with fellow musicians such as Chris Cutler and Chlöe Herington. Co-founder of the Feminist Improvising Group and a member of the groups Comus and Henry Cow, Cooper brought the bassoon and compositional techniques of 20th century art music into the world of '70s experimental rock. Hara discusses her own work and opportunities for women in art music. With live improvisation and performance.


Listen Again - Yumi Hara - the Lindsay Cooper Songbook

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Sat 18 May - Towards a feminist Judaism - SARAH LIGHTMAN

Sarah Lightman traces her journey from modern Jewish orthodoxy to a feminist Judaism as she searches between the complex layers of family and family history. Through drawing and analysis she has set out to create 'The Book of Sarah', missing from the bible, published by Myriad Editions in 2019. Jude offers reflections on inheriting her name from the literally apocryphal Book of Judith. Plus music from Jewish Manchester, London and beyond.

Listen Again - Sarah Lightman - Feminist Judaism, The Book of Sarah

Friday, 10 May 2019

Sat 11 May - TERE! Researching Estonian film and music

Researching culture of the Baltic. In advance of an an artist visit to Narva and Pispala (Tampere) in July, Jude explores music and film of Estonia and Finland with support and advice from Estonian and Finnish friends and family based in London, Talinn and Finland. This follows two shows looking at film and music in Latvia after a residency at the International Writers' and Translators' House in Ventspils.

Listen Again - Estonian music and film - Researching Baltic culture

Sat 4 May - SOUNDS OF THE SUN GODDESS - 2 of 2

Songs of the Sun goddess. A creative residency at the Writers and Translators House in Ventspils, Latvia.

Listen Again - Sounds of the Sun Goddess - Latvia (2 of 2)

Sat 27 May - SOUNDS OF THE SUN GODDESS. Lavian Folk Culture. Part 1 of 2

Songs of the Sun goddess. Reports from a creative residency at the Writers and Translators House in Ventspils, Latvia.

Listen Again - Sounds of the Sun Goddess 1 of 2 - 27 April

Sat 13 April - Sessions from the MOTTINGHAM SHED. Music, various.

Sessions from the Shed. Improvisations and speed compositions recorded in Mottingham with musicians David Zucchi, Alex Paxton, Charlotte Keeffe, Lisa McKendrick, Agathe Max, Matt Armstrong, Jude Cowan Montague, Matt Scott, Paul Brett and Simon King.

Listen Again - Sessions from the Mottingham Shed - 13 April

Sat 6 April - David Zucchi and Alex Paxton - MUSICS!

Saxophonist David Zucchi in conversation with trombonist Alex Paxton featuring good and bad dreams in music. Bird Monsters, sounds of various norths, composing for orchestra and other adventures.

Listen Again - David Zucchi & Alex Paxton - Musics

Monday, 25 March 2019

Sat 23 Mar - Laura Sampson - Noh Theatre and STORYTELLING FOR SPRING

Storyteller Laura Sampson shares her particular, experienced insight into the traditional Japanese art of Noh and related performance. She shares her experience as a young woman from London encountering and taking part in what is said to be the oldest major theatre art. Also, she looks at the current storytelling culture of London and the UK. Plus short performed stories on spring and its changeable weather together with live improvised music.

Listen Again - Laura Sampson - NOH THEATRE

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Sat 16 Mar - POPE LONERGAN on caring and comedy, artists in Mexico

Humourist Liam 'Pope' Lonergan discusses the dual roles of carer and comedian. Confession, compering and catharsis. Plus tales from Oaxaca where EMPIRE 2, a touring exhibition of artist films curated by Vanya Balogh, has been hosted at Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Oaxaca (MACO). With guests Marisa Polin and Alina Gavrielatos who will also report from their collaborative piece as part of Camaradas MX-UK showing at the Menier Gallery.

Listen Again - Marisa Polin & Alina Gavrielatos - MACO, MEXICO

Saturday, 2 March 2019

Sat 9 Mar - Hazel Manuel - NOVELISTS IN PARIS

Novelist Hazel Manuel talks about the thriving scene of English language writing groups in France and her own novels about the ethical and life issues that modern women negotiate. The subject of living and travelling abroad frames her narratives alongside the search for self and the inner journey of the introverted character. Feminism, UK-French relationships and the creative struggle to express within long-form fiction. http://www.hazelmanuel.net/

Listen Again - Hazel Manuel - Novels, Paris and Women Travellers 

Sat 2 Mar - Ian Williams - The Lady Doctor - GRAPHIC MEDICINE

Medicine, humour and the art of drawing stories. Ian Williams introduces his new graphic novel, 'The Lady Doctor'. explores current medical issues and ethics using his own experience as a practising GP to recreate the lives of both patients and health service practitioners. https://myriadeditions.com/books/the-lady-doctor/

Listen Again - Ian Williams - THE LADY DOCTOR

Sat 23 Feb - Katharine Seaton - WOMEN COMPOSERS COLLECTIVE

Personal stories in music. Composer Katharine Seaton discusses her current projects, the Women Composers Collective and scoring for film and podcast. Jude talks about her graphic novel in development about her granddad, a key musician in the earliest days of BBC radio, a cellist working for 2ZY.

Listen Again - Katharine Seaton - WOMEN COMPOSERS COLLECTIVE

Sat 16 Feb - KEVIN PLUMMER on the Simon King Collection

Kevin Plummer from The Kenny Process Team talks about playing with (and even living with) the late, great Simon King in advance of the upcoming Vacilando release. Cutting a vinyl master in Abbey Road, constructing and composing complex instrumental pop and remembering Forest Gate in the 1990s with choice gems from the Simon King record collection. Plus poems, thoughts and musical anecdotes from lives in community music.

Listen Again - Kevin Plummer - Simon King Collection

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Sat 9 Feb - Chinese Open - YEAR OF THE PIG

Gong hei fat choy. Year of the Pig 2019. Rebecca Feiner curates this year's Chinese Open of over 100 artists in the Q-Park underground car park beneath Whitcomb Street, Leicester Square. The show opens Sunday 10th 12-8pm. With artist guests reflecting on present and past Chinese Opens, record choices from the Simon King vinyl collection and original writings.

Listen Again - Year of the Pig 2019 - CHINESE OPEN

Saturday, 26 January 2019

Sat 2 Feb - NICK WILSDON - Simon King Collection Part 3

Nick Wilsdon, musician and educator talks about working with the Bermuda Triangle Test Engineers and helps pick through choice selections from the Simon King Collection. Simon King was a popular and acclaimed guitarist and composer, known for his work with Resonance FM and as a writer and performer of original soundtracks who amassed an exceptionally diverse and inspired hoard of vinyl.


Sunday, 20 January 2019

Sat 26 Jan - Draw to Perform - RAM SAMOCHA

Draw to Perform. Drawing performer and curator Ram Samocha on the secrets of light, movement and mark-making. Sound from line, tone from tone. Notes from the D2P Residencies in Brighton, showing at the Copperdollar Studios and group adventures of materials in time and space.

Listen Again - RAM SAMOCHA - Draw to Perform

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Sat 19 Jan - Robert Greer - DESPERATE LITERATURE

Robert Greer discusses Desperate Literature, an international bookshop in Madrid and part of the new resurgence in small alternative literary outlets. As well as carrying a large selection of quality books in Spanish, French and a variety of other languages the shop promotes new writing.

Listen Again - Robert Greer - DESPERATE LITERATURE

Saturday, 12 January 2019

Sat 12 Jan - Simon King Record Collector 2 of 2 - PAUL BRETT

Paul Brett chats about his music and the talent and person of Simon King. Records from King's collection spin on the Resonance desk. Gems from the musician's personal archive together with anecdotes and fond memories.

Listen Again - Simon King Collection 2 of 2 - Paul Brett