Saturday, 28 July 2018

Sat 28 July - Lumen - LOUISE BEER

Being cosmically minded. Louise Beer, artist, curator and astronomy enthusiast discusses the art collective Lumen and the application of light in our scientific pursuit of space. Exploring huge questions such as the right to starlight and considering the relationship of pop culture with science.

Listen Again - Louise Beer - Lumen

Saturday, 14 July 2018

Sat 21 July - Hannah Rose Kessler - HAIRY ARMPITS

Hannah Rose Kessler talks about her music and this moment in her life after graduation. Where now? In the bedroom studio, on the non-corporate stage, what jobs, what options are there for an angry, fragile ego leaving college in 2018? Meanwhile, young women will be sexy on their own terms with hairy armpits and stupid shoes, whatever they want. She describes the catharsis of singing, expressing vulnerability and anger, and tells stories of her punk-burlesque band The Quim Smashers.

Friday, 13 July 2018

Sat 14 July - TIM SMART - Drawing and the Koestler Trust Awards

Drawing the Curtains. This week the Koestler Trust judges meet to discuss the entries for the drawing prize. This year the themed category is 'connections'. Following on from judging day we look at issues of drawing from real life stories as well as the imagination, wondering how drawing can process what happens to us in and out of our perceived environment and create new experiences. Reflecting on practising this particular art in and out of prison.

Listen Again - Koestler Trust Awards - Drawing - TIM SMART