Tribute to Simon King (1 of 2). Lover of interesting, intriguing music and friend of Resonance, he left an extensive record collection. As a careful listener who acquired many albums for reference for his own work as a composer, Simon's legacy of records is vast and unique. Playing a selection, reading poems and sharing anecdotes about a man who was a purposeful and inspired collector. Part Two will be broadcast over the Christmas period.
Listen Again - Simon King Collection - 1 of 2

THE NEWS AGENTS ..... Jude Montague's creative news-arts show Saturday 3pm-4pm Resonance 104.4FM ...... EXPERIMENT AND JOURNEY 'On a rainy Saturday in cold old February it was a delight to be chatting about music and arty things and having a bit of a sing with Jude Montague' JUDY DYBLE She creates poetry which finds the humanity amid the horror of our times.' BILL NEELY 'Jude Montague has gone where I've never seen a jobbing journalist tread before.' JON SNOW
Sunday, 9 December 2018
Sat 8 Dec - Rachael Ball - WOLF
Rachael Ball, author and illustrator, discusses her new book WOLF which follows the journey of a small boy and his relationship with his father. Looking at methods of illustration and how we can use the graphic novel express our intimate inner lives through art and word. Her first book 'The Inflatable Woman' expands through magical realism to create a poignant, introspective narrative of fear, zoo-keeping, breast cancer and internet dating.
Listen Again - Rachael Ball - WOLF, a graphic novel
Listen Again - Rachael Ball - WOLF, a graphic novel
Saturday, 1 December 2018
Sat 1 Dec - LONDON COMPOSERS PLATFORM 2 - David Zucchi and Bertie Douglas
Winter is Coming. Bertie Douglas from the London Composers'
Platform and saxophonist composer David Zucchi discuss and share
wintry compositions with reference not simply to the seasonal and
forthcoming Christmastide but also to environmental, economic and
political mood.
Listen Again - London Composers Platform 2 - Music for the Xmas Season
Listen Again - London Composers Platform 2 - Music for the Xmas Season
Saturday, 17 November 2018
Carolina Nunez Roca and Vanesa Cejudo Mejias discuss the Women in Visual Arts Biennial 2018 at the County Hall Gallery in London, presented by Brit Es Magazine and MAV Mujeres Visuales and showing creations made by women artists and art professionals both in Spain and internationally. Participating artist-photographer Susana Sanroman, talks about her contribution and her ecologically focused series of large pictures on water and dystopia at the Leica Gallery, Bank until Jan 2019.
Listen Again - Women in Visual Arts Biennial and Brit Es Magazine - 24 Nov 2018
Listen Again - Women in Visual Arts Biennial and Brit Es Magazine - 24 Nov 2018
Sat 17 Nov - Anthony Dawton - HOTEL ZAATARI
Anthony Dawton, photographer, discusses portrait and Hotel Zaatari, a contemporary photographic and film journey through the Refugee Camp. In 2010 Anthony Dawton, along with his colleague Jim McFarlane, entered Gaza to observe and document the effect on young people and the challenging landscape that they and their families were living in.
Saturday, 10 November 2018
Sat 10 Nov - Kola Tubosun - EDWARDSVILLE BY HEART
Kọ́lá Túbọ̀sún, Nigerian poet, linguist and thinker presents his new book and first collection of poems, 'Edwardsville by Heart', a travelogue-memoir. He is known for his work in language advocacy campaigning for Yoruba. In January 2016, he was chosen as a recipient of a Premio Ostana for Mother Tongue Literature (Il Premio Ostana Internazionale Scritture in Lingua Madre 2016), a prize given for writing and notable advocacy for the defence of an indigenous language.
Listen Again - Kola Tubosun - Edwardsville by Heart
Listen Again - Kola Tubosun - Edwardsville by Heart
Monday, 29 October 2018
Sat 3 Nov - SATIRE - Emily McQuade & Annie Zamero
Satire, painting and stand-up. Working in the fields of visual art and performance two artists discuss how we can present and interpret current affairs and autobiography through different media. Plus live performance from Emily McQuade.
Listen Again - Emily McQuade & Annie Zamero - Satire, painting and stand up
Listen Again - Emily McQuade & Annie Zamero - Satire, painting and stand up
Saturday, 27 October 2018
Sat 27 Oct - ANN GRIM - Possible and impossible outcomes
Possible and impossible outcomes. Ann Grim, artist, considers the future. Moving through socio-economic cycles and urban issues she questions where the human heart may take us. Working in Paris and London, Ann's current exhibition of sculpture 'New Beginnings' is at the Granville Gallery in Montparnasse. With live performance art.
Listen Again - Ann Grim - New Possibilities
Listen Again - Ann Grim - New Possibilities
Sat 20 Oct - David Stubbs - The Retro-Future of ELECTRONIC MUSIC
David Stubbs discusses the rise of electronic music. His new book, Mars by 1980 charts the rise the form discussing early innovators and adopters and later innovators. Known for his witty and playful style, the music journalist shares his enthusiasm for artists including Sun Ra, Suicide and Burial.
"If you only buy one account of electronica, make it this [...] Conflating the personal and historical, Mars by 1980 thrives on its enthusiasm, elegance and erudition." (Record Collector 5*****)
Listen Again - David Stubbs - the retro-future of electronic music
"If you only buy one account of electronica, make it this [...] Conflating the personal and historical, Mars by 1980 thrives on its enthusiasm, elegance and erudition." (Record Collector 5*****)
Listen Again - David Stubbs - the retro-future of electronic music
Saturday, 6 October 2018
Sat 13 Oct - Carali McCall - RUNNING AS DRAWING
Running as drawing. Carali McCall explores performative making, the limits of drawing, points of relationship between the body, athleticism, repetition. Looking at the body of London testing unusual routes and contacts between architecture and the individual human. Inevitably we also discuss the labyrinth of bureaucracy encountered when proposing stunt art with her project Running up the Side of the Building.
Listen Again - Carali McCall - Running as Drawing
Listen Again - Carali McCall - Running as Drawing
Children, migration and making pictures. Artist and theatre designer Riitta Hakkarainen talks about her recent illustration project working alongside academic research into experiences of children crossing borders in north and eastern Europe and beyond, and contemplates at how it might feel to be the 'baggage' of adults on their cultural and trans-national journeys. She shares some gems from her growing collection of Soviet and other books for children and we play songs with lyrics in Latvian, Finnish and other languages to help paint the stories for radio.
Listen Again - Riitta Haikkarainen - Children, migration and illustrations
Listen Again - Riitta Haikkarainen - Children, migration and illustrations
Sat 29 Sept - LONDON COMPOSERS PLATFORM - Stirling Copland and Bertie Douglas
London Composers Platform is part of a new generation challenging elitism and encouraging cultural diversity in classical and instrumental music. Stirling Copland and Bertie Douglas will be talking about being co-founders of this non-profit organisation and sharing their own compositions. The LCP makes unique open calls for any interested to contribute to regular events and concerts, enabling London based writers from all musical and cultural backgrounds to have work performed by expert enthusiastic musicians. Discussing Hammond organs to oboes to violins with moody lighting and original solo piano pieces. Instagram @londoncomposersplatform
Listen Again - London Composers Platform - Bertie Douglas & Stirling Copland
Listen Again - London Composers Platform - Bertie Douglas & Stirling Copland
Monday, 17 September 2018
Sat 22 Sept - Ana Silvera - ORACLES
Ana Silvera, composer, alt-folk artist discusses Oracles, her poignant song-cycle and sophomore album. Oracles, like a folk tale follows the arc of a quest, beginning with a search for a goal and ending with a triumphant return. She shares her thoughts on composing for the Royal Ballet, her collaborations with the Roundhouse and artistic director Marcus Davey and mulls over the possibilities available to the independent songwriter beyond the straightjacket of pop and rock.
Listen Again - Ana Silvera - Oracles - 29 September
Listen Again - Ana Silvera - Oracles - 29 September
Sunday, 16 September 2018
Sat 15 Sept - Didier Ghez - THE HIDDEN ART OF DISNEY
Disney's concept artistry and figures behind the work discussed by Didier Ghez, author of 'They Drew as they Pleased: The Hidden Art of Disney's Mid-Century Era'. Artists include Ferdinand Horvath (Snow White) Tom Oreb (101 Dalmations, Sleeping Beauty), Mary Blair (Alice in Wonderland), Walt Peregoy (Sword in the Stone, 101 Dalmations). Stories of artists who created the backgrounds and characters of major groundbreaking features in the 20th century's animation experiments. For more information see
Listen Again - Didier Ghez on the Hidden Art of Disney - 15 Sept
Listen Again - Didier Ghez on the Hidden Art of Disney - 15 Sept
Saturday, 28 July 2018
Sat 28 July - Lumen - LOUISE BEER
Being cosmically minded. Louise Beer, artist, curator and astronomy enthusiast discusses the art collective Lumen and the application of light in our scientific pursuit of space. Exploring huge questions such as the right to starlight and considering the relationship of pop culture with science.
Listen Again - Louise Beer - Lumen
Listen Again - Louise Beer - Lumen
Saturday, 14 July 2018
Sat 21 July - Hannah Rose Kessler - HAIRY ARMPITS
Hannah Rose Kessler talks about her music and this moment in her life after graduation. Where now? In the bedroom studio, on the non-corporate stage, what jobs, what options are there for an angry, fragile ego leaving college in 2018? Meanwhile, young women will be sexy on their own terms with hairy armpits and stupid shoes, whatever they want. She describes the catharsis of singing, expressing vulnerability and anger, and tells stories of her punk-burlesque band The Quim Smashers.
Friday, 13 July 2018
Sat 14 July - TIM SMART - Drawing and the Koestler Trust Awards
Drawing the Curtains. This week the Koestler Trust judges meet to discuss the entries for the drawing prize. This year the themed category is 'connections'. Following on from judging day we look at issues of drawing from real life stories as well as the imagination, wondering how drawing can process what happens to us in and out of our perceived environment and create new experiences. Reflecting on practising this particular art in and out of prison.
Listen Again - Koestler Trust Awards - Drawing - TIM SMART
Listen Again - Koestler Trust Awards - Drawing - TIM SMART
Saturday, 30 June 2018
Sat 7 July - STEVE CROSS - Nerdy Comedy
Dr Steve Cross, comedian and scientist, the founder of Science Showoff, History Showoff and Bright Club discusses how he assists academics, museum professionals, software engineers, architects and lawyers in making comedy part of public communication. He is a winner of the Joshua Phillips Award for Innovation in Science Engagement and is former head curator of the Medicine Man gallery at the Wellcome Collection. We discuss his past and future projects in nerdy comedy.
Listen Again - Steve Cross - Nerdy Comedy
Listen Again - Steve Cross - Nerdy Comedy
Saturday, 23 June 2018
Sat 30 June - BREATH AND SCORE - Ingrid Plum
"Breath and score." Vocal artist Ingrid Plum discusses scores and performance, and reflects on her experience learning from composer, director and vocalist Meredith Monk. Looking behind the audio experience of her recent release Taut which has an extended identity as both a book and exhibition as well as an album and which was built from scores by contemporary composers. With live studio performance.
Listen Again - Breath and score - Ingrid Plum - Sat 30 June
Listen Again - Breath and score - Ingrid Plum - Sat 30 June
Monday, 18 June 2018
Sat 23 June - TALINN ARTS WEEK - Meriliis Rinne
Report from Talinn Arts Week. A group of London artists curated by Vanya Balogh have been exhibiting at Haus Gallery in the mediaeval old town. Discussing the developments in Ülemiste City and international aspects of the Baltic cultural scene including how young artists are engaging with their memories of growing up within Soviet occupation. With Estonian artist Meriliis Rinne.
Listen Again - Talinn Art Week & Empire 2 - Meriliis Rinne
Listen Again - Talinn Art Week & Empire 2 - Meriliis Rinne
Sunday, 3 June 2018
Sat 9 June - Home and Away - VIV CORRINGHAM
Home and Away. Viv Corringham, sonic experimenter and vocal artist, previous member of Tour de Force, discusses being on the road as a nomadic musician and composer, and performs live with Jude in her home studio. Plus reflections on the experiences of women performing sonic art.
'Her solitary vocal strolls perform a direct confrontation between the language and infrastructure of the city and the more deviant physical responses of a speechless voice.' (The Wire)
Listen Again - Home and Away - Viv Corringham - Sat 9 June
'Her solitary vocal strolls perform a direct confrontation between the language and infrastructure of the city and the more deviant physical responses of a speechless voice.' (The Wire)
Listen Again - Home and Away - Viv Corringham - Sat 9 June
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
Sat 2 June - Lindsay A Gordon - AN AUSTRALIAN IN PARIS
An Australian in the outback of Paris. The writer Lindsay A. Gordon
discusses rats and rues and tells stories of the bush and boulevards
Listen Again - Lindsay A Gordon - An Australian in the outback of Paris
Listen Again - Lindsay A Gordon - An Australian in the outback of Paris
Thursday, 24 May 2018
Sat 25 May - JACQUELINE SAPHRA - Puberty and Poetry
Jacqueline Saphra discusses sex, experimentation and the confusing pain and wonder of transition into sexual adulthood. Looking back at bohemian coming-of-age confusion in the 1970s and shifts occurring here and now with young funny women (like Ilana Glazer) changing the way we talk and think about sexual expression. She reads from 'All My Mad Mothers' (Nine Arches Press) and 'A Bargain with the Light' ((Hercules Editions) which focuses on the artist and photographer Lee Miller, lover of great men, raped child and self-determining woman. Performative musical interpretations and explorations live on air.
Listen Again - Jacqueline Saphra - Poetry & Puberty
Listen Again - Jacqueline Saphra - Poetry & Puberty
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Sat 19 May - READY FOR VIEWING - St Leonards International Film Festival
Ready for Viewing, where expanded radio meets expanded cinema. Celluloid improvisation by Mauricio Vincenzi of Endwell Productions projecting prepared material on different gauges (Standard 8, 16mm etc) from the archive of the St Leonards Intenational Film Festival. Accompanied by vintage organ the Vox Continental. Video output includes a live facebook feed.
Listen Again - St Leonards Film Festival
Listen Again - St Leonards Film Festival
Sunday, 13 May 2018
Sat 12 May - EZE CHIMALIO - Blacks in Blue
Eze Chimalio, artist, musician and author of graphic novels the Monomono-Banza Diaries discusses his portraits of blacks in blue, his recent visit to Addis and Ethiopia and jams live with Jude on trumpet and piano.
Wednesday, 2 May 2018
Sat 5 May - Touring with the Rutles - NEIL INNES
Neil Innes takes time before The Rutles tour to chew the tail of the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band, remember George Harrison and Viv Stanshall, and to reflect on what it was like to make that epic mockumentary 'All You Need Is Cash' and the Innes Book of Records. Neil explains that The Rutles were conceived not so much as a parody of The Beatles but as a parallel band from an alternative universe. With fresh anecdotal gems to delight the most hardened Bonzo/Rutles fan.
Listen Again - NEIL INNES - The Rutles Tour
Listen Again - NEIL INNES - The Rutles Tour
Thursday, 26 April 2018
Mon 30 Apr - THE LAST EARTH: A Palestinian Story with Ramzy Baroud
In the run up to Nakba Day, which commemorates the displacement preceding and following the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948, an interview with Dr Ramzy Baroud and readings from his book, 'The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story', an empathetic and lyrical approach to the Palestinian saga. Also remembering Palestinian singer Rim Banna who died of cancer at the age of 51 on the day of the interview in March 2018 known for her modern interpretations of Palestinian folk song.
Listen Again - Ramzy Baroud - Stories of Palestine
Listen Again - Ramzy Baroud - Stories of Palestine
Sat 28 Apr - Inspiral London and Medical Aid for Palestinians - CHARLIE FOX & ALEX DE ATH
Charlie Fox takes us nightwalking in North Kent and shares stories of InspiralLondon, a the arts walking project in the metropole and beyond, bringing tales of Gravesham and last weekend's festival. Plus Alex De'Ath of Puwaba! on Resonance Extra talks about Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) and his experiences on his recent visit to Palestine. He explains why and how he supports hospitals in Gaza that are completely reliant on international and voluntary aid.
Listen Again - Charlie Fox, Inspiral London - Alex De'Ath, Cycling in Palestine
Listen Again - Charlie Fox, Inspiral London - Alex De'Ath, Cycling in Palestine
Thursday, 19 April 2018
Sat 21 Apr - BIPOLAR Exploring, disordered days - Lucy Newlyn
Lucy Newlyn shares the world of bipolar disorder in her uncompromising and intelligent book, 'Diary of a Bipolar Explorer' (Signal books).
'Newlyn doesn't flinch as she explores the relationship between bipolar disorder and exactly the kind of mindset that has made her a poet and a writer.' (Stewart Lee)
Listen Again - Lucy Newlyn - Poetry & Bipolar Disorder
Saturday, 14 April 2018
Sat 14 Apr - THOMAS HYDE - composing & British political scandal
Thomas Hyde, composer, talks about making music from British political
scandal. Notes and writings on the Profumo affair and speculation on the
mysterious disappearance of murder suspect, Lord Lucan.
Listen Again - British Political Scandal and Music - Thomas Hyde
Listen Again - British Political Scandal and Music - Thomas Hyde
Tuesday, 3 April 2018
Sat 7 Apr - John Stephens, a retrospective in ABSTRACT ART
Artist John Stephens discusses how nothing really interests him. One of the Q Park underground artist group curated by Vanya Balogh and currently based at iCreate Studios Bedford he considers abstraction as an abiding genre of contemporary art discourse. Sharing anecdotes of a life in painting and beyond he crosses borders and time-lines as he reaches into his his own life experience for a personal retrospective.
Listen Again - John Stephens - A Life in Abstract Art
Listen Again - John Stephens - A Life in Abstract Art
Thursday, 29 March 2018
Sat 31 Mar - Amy Rigby & Wreckless Eric - THE OLD GUYS
Amy Rigby and Wreckless Eric chat about 'The Old Guys', Amy's new album. Talking about old friends in music and arts, heroes, friends, family and time passing. Writing songs using folk influences about contemporary society and how women songwriters can use the medium to reflect on the absurdities of the everyday.
Monday, 19 March 2018
Sat 24 Mar - MATTHEW SWEET - Operation Chaos
Matthew Sweet talks about the deserters from the American war in Vietnam who fought the CIA, the brainwashers and each other. His book Operation Chaos tells the story of how the CIA tried to infiltrate the American Deserters Committee during the cold war. His account reveals the personal struggles in this project to collect and recount this oral history, and his growing awareness of the impact of displacement and dislocation in the counter-culture. This bizarre history has had a lasting impact today in theories of conspiracy and global economics and the popular fears of radical resistance.
Sunday, 11 March 2018
Sat 17 Mar - EUGENE COYNE - Animals, Myth and Castle Coyne
Songwriter Eugene Coyne sings and plays songs with special focus on animal stories. He has been building myths in South London domesticity through his album Castle Coyne. Plus dogs, birds, cats and genetic anomalies who are the latest creatures from Reuters news stories to venture into the world.
Listen Again - Eugene Coyne - Songs about Animals
Listen Again - Eugene Coyne - Songs about Animals
Sunday, 4 March 2018
Sat 10 Mar - The Persistence of Past in the Present - TIM DOOLEY
Tim Dooley reflects on his work as a poet and editor. He discusses the persistence of the past in the present, how new vocabularies of social and technological change cohabit with after-images of traditional literary forms whether updating Arthurian legend, exploring the British seaside, considering the 'rediscovery' of early cinema or taking a sideways look at contemporary controversies. He reads selections from over forty-five years of writing from his collected poems entitled 'The Sound We Make Ourselves' and his new collection ‘Weemoed’, a Poetry Book Society Recommendation. Plus improvised music.
Listen Again - Tim Dooley - The Persistence of the Past
Listen Again - Tim Dooley - The Persistence of the Past
Monday, 26 February 2018
Sat 3 Mar - RICHARD SANDERSON - Society, Music Publishing and Little Atoms
Richard Sanderson, co-founder of Little Atoms, discusses ethics, conspiracy theory, atheism, science fiction and how humans manoeuvre to manipulate their social surrounds. Plus live improvisation and excerpts from his South East London based label publishing experimental and eclectic music 'that falls through the cracks'.
Listen Again - Richard Sanderson / Little Atoms - News, ethics
Listen Again - Richard Sanderson / Little Atoms - News, ethics
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
Sat 24 Feb - Harmony from Conflict? REBECCA FEINER and ROBERT THOMAS
Guest host Rebecca Feiner asks if virtual reality and opera can be harnessed to create harmony from conflict with adaptive composer Robert Thomas. Using algorithmic, machine learning and artificial intelligence, his collaborations include Christopher Nolans Inception App, Massive Attack, and Glyndbourne Opera. Chinese London based artist Yi Zhang, discusses her installation exploring conflict and shaman poet Noel Grassy performs live.
Listen Again - Rebecca Feiner & Robert Thomas - Harmony from Conflict?
Listen Again - Rebecca Feiner & Robert Thomas - Harmony from Conflict?
Friday, 16 February 2018
Sat 17 Feb - WOMEN AND THE HAMMOND ORGAN - Howard Jacques and the Brunswick Club
Women and the Hammond Organ with sounds from Cherry Wainer, Rosa Rio, Ethel Smith, Twinkie Clark and Beverly Glenn. Demonstrations of Hammond sounds and the history of the instrument. Plus live studio guest Howard Jacques on the Brunswick Club, an artist-led space in a Working Men's Club in the heart of Bristol.
Listen Again - Women and the Hammond Organ - (Howard Jacques and the Brunswick Club)
Listen Again - Women and the Hammond Organ - (Howard Jacques and the Brunswick Club)
Sunday, 4 February 2018
Sat 10 Feb - The Condemnation of Sex - SLUT SHAMING - Umia K
The third show in a feminist triptych of
soundart shows with Umia K. Improvisation, fiction, poetry and discussion on
the theme of slut-shaming.
Listen Again - Umia K - Slut Shaming #3 in Feminist Trilogy
Listen Again - Umia K - Slut Shaming #3 in Feminist Trilogy
Sat 3 Feb - JUDY DYBLE - Summer Dancing in Wintertime
Summer dancing in wintertime. Judy Dyble, singer-songwriter and founding member of Fairport Convention discusses
the folk revival and her recent output with guitarist and bassist, Andy Lewis. She
reflects on ephemerality and seasonality in music and culture. With live
acappella song.
Listen Again - Judy Dyble - Summer Dancing in Wintertime
Listen Again - Judy Dyble - Summer Dancing in Wintertime
Sunday, 21 January 2018
Sat 27 Jan - Kristin Hjellegerde - GALLERY ART and International Socio-political Themes
Kristin Hjellegerde on
the work of her West London gallery in promoting international artists
including Ephrem Solomon's expanded woodcuts on silence in Ethiopia and Zhu
Wei's social commentary blending ink painting with socio-political
themes in post-Tiannamen China.
Listen Again - Kristin Hjellegerde - Gallerist
Listen Again - Kristin Hjellegerde - Gallerist
Monday, 15 January 2018
Sat 20 Jan - SUSAN SCHULMAN - Syria, Jordan and 'Collateral Damage'
Award-winning photo-journalist and artist Susan Schulman on Syria ,
destruction and reconstruction and varied international and personal
stories from the world of reportage including going behind the familiar
and euphemistic phrase 'collateral damage'.
Listen Again - Susan Schulman - Syria, collateral damage, Congo communications
Listen Again - Susan Schulman - Syria, collateral damage, Congo communications
Sat 13 Jan - TISNA WESTERHOF - Delft, delicacy and motherhood.
Artist Tisna Westerhof
discusses childhood and cultural encounter in contemporary urban London and the Netherlands. Looking at
international and national images of violence in the media and applying filters of nostalgia and craft to interrogate
the emotional impact of what the public consumes via news and other providers.
Listen Again - Tisna Westerhof - Childhood, Arts and Intimacy
discusses childhood and cultural encounter in contemporary urban London and the Netherlands. Looking at
international and national images of violence in the media and applying filters of nostalgia and craft to interrogate
the emotional impact of what the public consumes via news and other providers.
Listen Again - Tisna Westerhof - Childhood, Arts and Intimacy
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