Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Sat 2 Dec - Letters from an Alternative Earth with UMIA K

A warning of impending ecological disaster and a tribute to the women of twentieth century science fiction including Tanith Lee, Judith Merril, Margaret St Clair and Ursula le Guin. With Umia K.

Listen Again - Women of Science Fiction - Umia K

Monday, 20 November 2017

Sat 25 Nov - JUDY DYBLE - Summer Dancing in Wintertime

Judy Dyble, singer-songwriter and founding member of Fairport Convention discusses the folk revival and her recent output with guitarist Andy Lewis.She reflects on ephemerality and seasonality in music and culture. With live acapella song.

Saturday, 11 November 2017

Sat 18 Nov - Boundaries and Blocks: DOUG HAYWOOD

Sound artist and resident of Tower Hamlets Doug Haywood takes us on a walk through East End architecture from slum to social experimentation to show stoppers. Aesthetics, bold design and sculpture in the an area of the city previously visited for poverty tourism and described as 'outlaw London'. Population change, post-war rebuilding and what the hot new architects did with their council contracts.

Listen Again - Doug Haywood - Tower Hamlets Brutalism - Sat 18 Nov

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Sat 11 Nov - ILLUSION AND SYMBOL : Jack Catling on wonder and visual media

Artist Jack Catling discusses the magician, wonder and visual media. Looking at how conjuring helped create early British cinema and considering how magical ideas can bring emotion and vitality to contemporary art.


Listen Again - Magic and Art - Jack Catling

Sat 4 Nov - Hospital Architecture and Brazilian Poetry: ALICE HSIEH

Architect and poet Alice Hsieh discusses social architecture, hospital design, virtual reality and ethics in new development. She reflects on aspects of Brazilian culture and introduces her original poetry. With live studio improvisation.

Listen Again - Alice Hseih - Architecture and Portuguese Poetry