Saturday, 30 September 2017

Sat 30 Sept - KOESTLER AWARDS with artist Lee Edwards

Lee Edwards, one of the judges of the Koestler Trust Awards for arts by offenders, secure patients and detainees, discusses the scheme, his impressions of this year's work and the current exhibition curated by Anthony Gormley at the Southbank. Lee also discusses aspects of his own work which takes a long hard look at everyday detritus.

Listen Again - Koestler Art Trust with Lee Edwards

Sat 23 Sept - ALARME ROSSO, Art in the Apennines - Chris Simpson, Poppy Whatmore, Lauren Cannell and Clio Thomas

Experiments in news and arts with Jude Cowan Montague. This week: Alarme Rosso, Art in the Apennines. Poppy Whatmore, Lauren Cannell and Clio Thomas join curator Chris Simpson to discuss intervention, installation and making art in the ancient towns of central Italy. How to channel diverse inspiration including sheep-farming and painting the town red. Plus, what happens when a mountain art installation goes wrong and the emergency rescue is called to the scene.

Listen Again - Atina Residency 2017

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Sat 16 Sept - SHABSI MANN - Nomads, music and sleeping rough

Artist/musician Shabsi Mann discusses news stories of homelessness and refugees. Talking about music including folk, pop, rop, nomadic sounds, Qawwali and Bollywood. With live improvisation.

Listen Again - Shabsi Mann