Sunday, 26 June 2016

Sat 2 July: WE'LL ALL BE MURDERED IN OUR BEDS: Duncan Campbell on the History of Crime Reporting

Author and veteran journalist Duncan Campbell chews over tales from the old days of Fleet Street to the recent News International phone hacking scandal. Discussing the embedding of crime reporters in police circles, Soho's significance and the journalists who go undercover from W.T. Stead onwards up to this remote, digital age.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Sat 25 June - LONDON ABSURD: Vis the Spoon

Vis the Spoon has been running the most eclectic, 'out-there' open mic for years, A Spoonful of Poison. From the punk tradition, Spoon has been keeping the spirit of DIY experimental live arts alive on the margins of the capital. An accomplished alternative poet himself, Spoon will talk about programming and performance, and street creativity in the changing city called London.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Sat 18 June - LADIES OF THE PRESS: Performance print, activism and girl gonzo journalism

The high-colour, hi-res duo discuss girl gonzo journalism, activism and why the print form is still relevant even in our multimedia digital age. The performative artists Ana Cavic and Renee O'Drobinak Ladies of the Press' re-imagine the role of the publisher and publicist into a theatrical persona.

Monday, 6 June 2016

Sat 11 June - HOW TO WRECK A HOTEL ROOM: Hunter S. Thompson against the hired bullshit

The hero of new journalism made his brutal journey into the heart of the American dream exposing decadence and vanity. A pilgrim in a landscape of apocalypse. Hunter S Thompson gave wildness and excess a home in the staid, neutral zone of reportage. He founded that home on the crest of a high and beautiful wave ... until that wave finally broke and rolled back and the counterculture retreated with it. With text, discussion and improvised music.